As you may have guessed, pea gravel in Columbia, SC derives its name from the size of the rocks used in the material. They are very close to pea-sized. It’s ideal for filling in around stone pavers, gardens, driveways, and paths. It’s not just coveted for its low price range but also for its practicality and durability. If you’ve got a green thumb, use Columbia pea gravel to your advantage. Very often overlooked as a mulching alternative, it will keep out weeds, retain moisture, and stamp down the mud. It looks great and is very easy to install.
Columbia pea gravel stones carry a unique smoothness to their texture them make them perfectly pleasant to walk barefoot across. As a result of natural erosion in nature, pea gravel in Columbia, SC measures roughly from 1/8th to 3/8ths inches thick. This means that they’re perfect for the job of filling in loose outdoor areas. They come in a wide array of colors to match whichever job is at hand, including white, grey, rust brown, buff, and translucent. Feel free to pick out whichever color and type works right for your home’s exterior. Pea gravel in Columbia, SC is very versatile.
Because pea gravel in Columbia, SC has a constant tendency to travel, whether from foot traffic, rain, wind, or gravity, it needs to be contained by another edging material or structure. This can be anything from brick, stone, metal, or Bender Board. This allows for even more design options, as you can absolutely put pea gravel and mulch side by side as long as there is a barrier. The exception for this is when laying down a path, as the material is going to travel about a lot either way. As an added bonus, Columbia pea gravel paths provide excellent drainage and act as a rodent barrier for certain invasive pests. Mice and rats actually cannot dig through pea gravel. Columbia, SC driveways can be boxed in with a durable edging material. As much as people love the crunching sound underfoot, pea gravel isn’t actually suited for much else besides paths and plant life. Meaning, it’s not sturdy enough to support patio furniture such as lawn chairs or tables. They will dig right on into the gravel, and maybe become a fixture there after some time.
The pea gravel Columbia, SC has to offer can provide you with a number of benefits, including the fact that it is very inexpensive. If you need new gravel for landscaping purposes or something else but are on a budget, this gravel is a very cost-effective option to look into. In Columbia, pea gravel is available in a number of different colors so you will have lots of options to choose from before making a final decision. This type of gravel is also extremely versatile and highly functional, so you can count on it to work well for whatever you need.
You will find that Columbia pea gravel is very low maintenance, so you will not have to worry about spending a lot of time or money to keep it functioning properly. This particular type of gravel is very durable, but there is the risk of it becoming dislodged over time. If you ever find that your pea gravel becomes dislodged at any point, you will simply have to smooth out all of the affected areas with a rake to correct the problem.
Pea gravel in Columbia, SC is most commonly used for landscaping purposes. While there are many different types of gravel you can use for your landscaping, this kind is a low-maintenance and inexpensive alternative that is worth exploring. If you need gravel for your landscaping, this kind certainly has a lot to offer. It is very important that you at least consider getting pea gravel, as it is one of the best options you have overall. This gravel is perfect for most patios and walkways, so you shouldn’t have any problems with it. In the end you will find that this gravel was a good decision.